Dog Facts… Do you have a teeth licker?
Do you have a muzzle licker? A pup who likes the taste of other Dogs teeth?
Here at Book of Dog HQ we have just that. Our very own Yuki just can’t get enough of licking other Dogs mouths! Most Dogs don’t mind but some are not so keen.
Well, did you know that younger Dogs often do this to almost say sorry or appease the recipient, almost like a submissive act. They can also do this to the pack leader as a kind of grooming act, believe it or not they find it really pleasant and think you do too, it is also again, another act of submission! Another theory is that teeny young puppies will lick their Mums lips to get them to regurgitate food… Yum! So, there you go. Your muzzle licking questions answered!!
Photo by Heidi Meborg from Pexels