And lo, The Book of Dog was created.
The Book of Dog was created by sisters, Sarah and Suzanne. We love Dogs and Dogs are our religion… We figured we can’t be the only willing disciples who love Dogs this much and believe that the way they live their lives holds many lessons for humankind.
Even though we have always loved Dogs, it took a very sad event for us to realise that Dog should be a deity and revered the world over. This is why our website and everything that we create is not only dedicated to Dogs and teaching humans to ‘Be more Dog"‘, but also to Pai.
Pai was an angel Dog, she oozed love and loved life and enhanced everyone’s life around her. You will have noticed her picture above. Sadly little Pai became quite poorly and no one could figure out what was exactly wrong and how to make her better. So after 7 short years she passed away and is waiting at the rainbow bridge for Suzanne.
Because we never really knew what made Pai so poorly, even though she had the best available, we decided it was very important that the other dogs in the family had pure, natural, healthy and environmentally sound, toys, food, snacks and clothes to make sure they do not ingest any nasties and lo, The Book of Dog was created.
We now want to share this with you… Go forth and worship Dog.